Overview of the Collaborative Nurse Practitioner Program (CNPP)
As a Collaborative Nurse Practitioner Program student, you will study in the fall, winter and spring-summer semesters to obtain your degree. You will complete 702 hours of clinical practice experiences in primary care settings with a licensed registered nurse (nurse practitioner).
Limited hours may be completed with a primary care physician and a pharmacist. As a student, you will develop advanced nursing practice competencies while participating in community-centered practice.
The program is delivered through asynchronous online learning with the exception of an on-campus one-week mandatory residency requirement in MNUR 802. You will meet other students and faculty in person and experience high fidelity simulation learning.
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Curriculum & Course Schedule
The curriculum is designed based on the philosophy and principles of Primary Health Care: Canadian Nurses Association (2008) Advanced Nursing Practice: A national framework; and the Saskatchewan Registered Nurses’ Association Registered Nurse (Nurse Practitioner) Standards and Core Competencies (2011).
The curriculum is designed to prepare graduates with the competencies required for initial registration as a RN (NP) as identified by the College of Registered Nurses of Alberta and other regulatory bodies across Canada. The national Canadian Nurse Practitioners Exam (CNPE) is designed to test graduate knowledge of these competencies. After graduating from the program, you will be required to pass the CNPE exam in order to obtain registration as a registered nurse (nurse practitioner).
All courses in the program are offered online asynchronously. The curriculum uses textbooks, online articles, guided discussion, web conferencing and interactive activities. Practicing and experienced PhD prepared and nurse practitioner faculty are available for frequent contact through electronic course mail and online office hours.
See Course Descriptions & Schedule
All students registering in the practice education courses must be registered within 30 days of the first day of registration. Although practice education course practicum experiences could be completed in your community provided the site can be approved by the program, most students should expect to travel to appropriate clinical sites. All practice education placements in Saskatchewan will be arranged by the program and will not be in your employment setting. Students living outside of Saskatchewan will be contacted to discuss practice education site options.